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2016-09-20 10:33:38

Rio de Janeiro hosts Brazil's first Dog Olympics

RIO DE JANEIRO –  Man's best friends and their owners have embraced the Olympic spirit by taking part in Brazil's first Dog Olympic Games.

Dogs of all breeds, ages and sizes competed for medals in diving, jumping, swimming and running at Toto's Park Club in the Rio de Janeiro neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca.

A 9-month-old beagle named Mima took home the gold medal in aquatic jumping. Mima's owner, Aura Stella, said, "I didn't even know she had all this talent."

Sunday's event coincided with the final day of the Paralympic Games in Rio.




巴西在举行过人类的奥运会后,今年更别开生面的首度举行“狗狗奥运会”(Dog Olympic Games)。 参赛的狗狗品种不同,年龄及大小不一,他们参加了跳水、跳远、游泳及赛跑等多个项目,竞逐金牌。

这项“狗狗奥运会”上周在里约热内卢巴拉达蒂茹卡区(Barra da Tijuca)的托托园公区俱乐部(Toto's Park Club)举行。“托托公园区俱乐部”的老板、狗狗奥运会发起人托托(Marco Antonio Toto)说,他筹办这项活动目的是要透过运动竞技,促进人类和狗狗之间的社会化交流。 。

一只9个月大的米格鲁迷马(Mima)18日在最后一天举行的跳水项目里表现杰出,勇夺金牌。 迷马的主人史泰拉(Aura Stella)笑着说, 从来不知道狗狗竟然有如此高的游泳天赋。


