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2016-09-12 14:03:25

What It’s Like When Your Dog Has More Instagram Followers Than You


Katie Sturino is working hard to step out of Toast’s shadow and promote her own fashion blog.

Katie Sturino 正努力摆脱 Toast’s 阴影,重新建立一个属于她自己的时尚微博。

By now, she’s used to getting stopped on the street. It’s9 a.m. when it happens the first time.

“Can I take a picture?” a chipper blonde asks her in the lobby of a boutique hotel in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry — but it’s so funny.”

现在,她已经习惯在大街上突然停下。“我可以拍张照片吗?”一位金发女郎问她。“啊,我的天啊, 虽然很无礼---但是她真的很有趣。”


Katie Sturino is gracious. She doesn’t just let the woman take a selfie, but takes a photo for her. By now, the oddity of watching strangers pose with her dog has worn off.

Katie Sturino 很亲切,她不仅让这女士与她的宠物自拍了,她还和这位女士一起拍了合照。 现在,她已经对陌生人在她的爱犬旁边摆各种姿势拍照已经见怪不怪。

That’s because her dog isn’t any dog — her dog is Insta-famous. With more than 350,000 followers, Toast is part of a coterie of pets with public personas cultivated over social media. And Toast’s celebrity now transcends beyond Instagram; to date, she has starred in a fashion campaign (she was the face of Karen Walker’s 2015 summer line), secured a book deal (ToastHampton: How to Summer in Style), and pulled off a high-profile wedding (she wore a custom Marchesa gown and $175,000 of diamonds to the ceremony).

那是因为她的狗不是一般的狗而是一只网红狗。 Toast 现在已经有了350000粉丝, 这使得她经常亮相于各大媒体网络。现在Toast已不止是Instagram 的网红犬啦,她已经成为各个社交媒体的网红犬。


With her distinctive look — an 11-year-old puppy mill rescue, she lost her teeth and so her tongue permanently (and adorably) hangs out — Toast is a natural star. But as with many rags-to-riches stories, her rise was the result of sheer hustle. A longtime PR rep, Sturino started Toast’s Instagram account two and a half years ago after she discovered famous Internet dog Tuna and realized pet accounts on social media “were a thing.”

因为她显眼的外表----一只11岁的轧机救援犬, Toast 的牙齿全掉了所以她的舌头悬吊的特别突出。Toast是一位天然明星,一夜成名。Toast的稳定公关Sturino 2年半前在Instagram上为Toast开了专门的账户。 以此吸粉无数。

