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2016-09-27 11:52:37

Beautiful Ceremony Honors Pets Who Will Never Be Forgotten


 We may never totally get over the loss of a loved one, but on September 29, a ceremony will honor the pets who have touched our lives.

 Best Friends Animal Society — an animal rescue organization whose mission is to bring about a time when there will be no more homeless pets — built a place called Angels Rest, where the yearly celebration takes place.


 友好动物协会——以减少流浪狗为使命的动物救助组织——创建了“天使安息地”, 在这里,每年都会举行一个隆重的仪式来纪念那些给予我们感动的宠物们。

 The blessing, which, this year, will be the seventh annual blessing, celebrates "the unbreakable bonds we share with animals and honors those forever in our hearts."

今年是第7年,今年的主题是“分享人与宠物之间亲密的联系, 纪念心中挚爱”

Nestled in the red rocks and canyons of Utah, the cemetery's paths are lined with statues of animals, and little pebbles scrawled with messages.


"Angels Rest is a site of profound beauty and sacredness," Best Friends writes. "Even on still days, you can hear the sound of its many wind chimes, representing those who have so deeply touched our lives."

“天使栖息地是一方神圣之地,”好朋友写到“甚至在寂静的日子里,你会听到风铃的声音,似乎是那些给予我们感动的宠物们的低语 ”。

One such animal was a dog named Bogart, who passed away on July 13 of this year, the day after his 15th birthday.


The memorial ceremony at Angels Rest in 2015.
